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For Families
For Families

When a loved one dies, it is a time of great upheaval and stress. You or your family may feel overwhelmed by grief and have doubts surrounding the reasons for the loss of your loved one, or you may simply want closure. An autopsy can help the family to understand the cause of the death as well as identify diseases that may continue on to future generations.  End-of-life services are a challenging topic; a private autopsy may give you the peace of mind you need. 

If the Medical Examiner’s office decides not to perform an autopsy following a person’s death, that decision may leave the family with questions. Families often have a forensic pathologist conduct a private autopsy.

In order to perform an autopsy, we require signed authorization from the individual who has the legal right to request an autopsy, usually next of kin.  Prior to the re-embalming autopsy, Dr. Norford will need to know any additional restrictions or organs of interest.  Please call us with your questions or to schedule a private autopsy. 

An autopsy will not alter the appearance of your loved one and your funeral arrangements can proceed as you desire, including open casket viewing. Dr. Norford will work with your funeral director and attempt to schedule the autopsy so as not to affect funeral arrangements.